Quests for starting

Recommended things to do:

  • Make Crafter (This can be your offline trader too) for selling/making crystals and soulshots.

  • Creating Elven mages (lv. 20) and doing spores quest until can afford TOP NG

  • Spoilers are a good way to make money by spoiling for materials

Important Quest / Adena Quests:

  • Starting zone quests specific for your race (for SS + Weapon)

  • lv.8: Collect spores (Elven village - Herbtien)

  • lv15: Collectors dream (Elven village - Alshupes )

  • lv.15: Totem of hestui (Orcs Only - Tanapi)

  • lv.15: Grim Collector (Gludio - Curtis)

  • lv.18: Sweetest venom (Delf Village - Astaron)

  • lv..20: First Class Quest

  • lv. 21: Blood Fiend (Elf Village - Creamees - Delf cant do this)

  • lv. 21: Dangerous Seduction (Delf Only Quest - Vellior)

  • lv. 21: Vainquish Remnants quest (Gludin - Leopold) Collect 100+ badges for Unlock Black Lion Quest

  • lv.27: Acts of Evil (Gludin - Alvah) This quest takes a while, so its optional

  • lv. 28: Black Lion (Dion - Sophya)

  • lv. 32: Black Swan (Heine - Gosta) You need to kill 10-15 mobs, use soe, finish the quest and then repeat

  • lv.40: Second Class Quest

  • lv.40: Warehouse Keeper's Pastime (Oren - Cliff)

  • lv.40: Coins of Magic (Hunter Village - Sorint)



  1. Play dark elf mage, grind in starter area on imps to level 8 to obtain wind walk from newbie guide (I think that’s c4). Not sure if you get the free weapon but if so pick up the staff, or dual fist if you’re a fighter.

  2. Visit the guard in town and do the quest to get soulshots/spiritshots, it’s the guard on the opposite exit as the newbie zone, just kill one gremlin and return.

  3. Move to Light Elf Village and spam the spores quest until you’re level 10 or 12, then return back to DE village to do both the Elderitch dagger quest and the sword quest. Sell what you don’t use.

  4. Spores quest is going to be flooded with players, so you may prefer to just grind it out and progress. For this I would travel deep into the light elf forest and kill orcs.

  5. Optional continue spamming spores quest until you’re mentally insane or at least can afford devotion set; the adena per hour is the equivalent of grinding cruma swamp mobs at level 25+, so it’s pretty darn good. Estimated 40-50k per hour on 1x with drops sold.

  6. At level 15 I switch to gludio ruins of despair, killing the skeletons on the outskirts. You can easily go to level 20 there and the imps have weakness to wind strike. Can also pick up the grim collector quest in gludio for this part. Go back for newbie buffs every hour to keep empower on. Make sure to grab empower once more before you out level it at 20

  7. Hit level 21 and go do the 100k adena quest to kill the succubus in SODA. But without a good weapon I don’t recommend this. Only if you do get a close to top NG weapon and are a mage. Take a few bsps.

  8. By this point you should be 21+ with devotion set and 200-300k adena. Probably you’ve just used up all the free sps, or maybe that lasted you to level 19ish. Now time for AoE parties in Abandoned Camp. Or depending on your class I guess you’ll need to hit 25 first for the AoE skill. Outside Dion is a nice grind.

  9. Optional repeat these steps on ~5 dark elf mages to earn enough for a top D weapon from Giran. But it’s boring to play this way imo.